Field Trips and Group Admission Prices
Schedule the wildest field trip in the area! Bring your group of 12 or more individuals to the Zoo for a day full of exploration, learning and fun. For groups of less than 12 regular Zoo rates apply.
Reservation requests are required and must be made at least five business days in advance. One person must pay for entire group to receive the discounted rate. If no reservation is received or guests pay individually, regular Zoo rates will apply.
Admission for 12 or more individuals • $10*
Train Rides • $2.50 (must have 12 or more individuals)
Giraffe Feed • $3.50 (must have 12 or more individuals)
*Bus drivers are free.
Lunch and Picnic Needs
Picnic areas are available on a first serve basis inside and outside the Zoo. Seating in these areas is limited and cannot be guaranteed. Multiple groups will be scheduled together to reach capacity; please keep your group together when eating. No catered or potluck meals are allowed. Meal storage prior to lunch time is the responsibility of group. Zoo is not responsible for lost lunches due to peacock and/or squirrel nibbling.
Bus Parking
Buses are encouraged to use the loading and unloading lane located on A Street. Bus parking is not permitted in any of the Zoo lots. Parking is available at Antelope Park. Drivers receive free admission with school reservation.
Please Note
Any adult, chaperon or child paying individually will be charged the full rate for admission and train rides. To avoid paying the full admission price please make one payment for all those attending the field trip. No other discounts or coupons may be used with the group pricing.
Requests must be made at least five business days in advance. Any requests made within five days will not be accepted.
Field Trip or Group Admission Questions
Email or call 402-475-6741 ext. 0