Camper Info Form - Summer Camp 2025

Please fill out one form per child registered for Zoo Summer Camp.  This information will only be shared with education staff to help ensure the safety of your child while attending camp. Thank you! 

Camper/Contact Info
What age group is your child registered for?
*Reminder: This year, campers needed to sign up using their current, 2024-2025 grade year. Exception is those enrolling in kindergarten in the fall who will be at least 5 years old during camp may register.
For which week(s) is your camper registered? (Select all that apply.)
T-shirt Size
Emergency Contacts

Emergency Contact information will be used to reach caregivers if a medical or behavioral situation arises during camp. Please only list emergency contacts who are able to promptly answer their phone during the day.


Camper Allergies
Please list any allergies. If none, please leave blank. 

Camper Medications
Please list any medications that your child will need to take during camp hours (8:30am -4:30pm). If none, please leave blank.

Medicine will be carried by camp counselors throughout the day. Please send medications in the original bottle, as we cannot carry any loose medications in an unmarked package. Counselors will keep this medication for the week and send it back home on Friday. By signing this waiver, you authorize camp staff to supervise your camper in administering their own medication. 

Special needs, Accommodations, or Additional Info
Please list any special needs, accommodations, or additional information that may be helpful to our camp staff. If you have a friend request for your camper to be in the same group as another camper, please include that request here. If none, please leave blank.

Approved Pick Up

Campers will only be released to individuals on their approved pick-up list. Approved adults must bring a photo ID with them every day in order for a camper to be released to them. Please also list any adults to whom your child is not to be released in the “Unapproved Pick Up” section. 

Please list anyone who is NOT approved to pick up your camper.

The Zoo will be taking photos and videos of Zoo Camp. By checking this box, I understand that photos or videos of my child at Zoo Camp may be used for promotional purposes by the Zoo.
By checking this box, I acknowledge that participation in any Zoo program exposes my child to certain risks and dangers and accept any and all risks associated with my child attending Zoo Camp.
By checking the "I Understand" box, I acknowledge and agree that I have fully read, understand and voluntarily sign this release of liability.
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